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Leveraging Nepal's Existing Social Protection Programs to Improve Covid-19 Response


Out of Nepal's existing social protection programs, the Child Grant program reaches the most vulnerable households. Research shows that it may be optimal to distribute Covid-19-related cash transfers to beneficiaries through this existing channel.


Key Insights

  • The Child Grant program could be a useful mechanism for Nepal’s Covid-19 social protection response, since it already reaches 48% of all households and 54% of food-insecure households (compared to less than 20% coverage by all other existing social security programs).
  • Distributing Covid-19-related benefits via banks is not optimal, since only 24% of child grant beneficiaries receive their benefits via bank accounts.
  • By contrast, providing benefits in cash at the ward level would be optimal, since 64% of child grant beneficiaries receive their benefits this way. Such an approach would also leverage Nepal’s Federal structure.