Support the work of Inclusion Economics
Join us in the effort to enable more inclusive and just economies and societies

Inclusion Economics brings together three research institutions into a close-knit collaborative network working across South Asia and Africa.

Yale Inclusion Economics (YIE) is a collaboration across the Economic Growth Center and the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. YIE receives a limited amount of core institutional funding from sources at Yale University, which it leverages to raise grant and gift funding. The YIE team is continually dedicating significant effort to raising financial resources for specific projects, initiatives and core operations. We work collaboratively with donor and grant-making organizations and individuals to find alignment in interests and strategic aims. If you are interested in supporting our work at YIE or one of our partner centers, please reach out to Managing Director Deanna Ford or explore the ways to contribute below.
Ways to Give to Yale Inclusion Economics
One-time Spendable Gifts
Donations are used right away to invest in high priority initiatives at Yale Inclusion Economics.
Annual Giving
Annual giving allows for a sustained channel of support to enable newer initiatives to find their runway for longer term sustainability.
Matching Gifts
If you work for a company that will match your gift, you can double the impact of your philanthropy. Check the database to see if your company matches employee charitable contributions.
We are happy to help you create a gift that aligns with your philanthropic interests and supports YIE and university priorities.
How to Give
To support Yale Inclusion Economics, make a donation online:
- Visit the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies page on Yale University's For Humanity campaign.
- In the “Comments/additional instructions” section at the bottom of the page, indicate “Inclusion Economics”.
For questions or other donation options, please contact Deanna Ford, Managing Director at Inclusion Economics, at
The work at Yale Inclusion Economics has been supported by a variety of funding organizations including: